Thursday, April 2, 2009

6th Boom and Bust Journal

Assignment #4:
I believe that our environment needs to be preserved. We have valuable resources in this country, and they definitely need to be saved and recognized. If we don't have the foresight to save them now, it may be too late.
People always say that you never know what you have, until it's gone. I don't want this to be the case. I want Americans to recognize the importance of preserving our national lands and reaping the benefits of conservation. Not everyone has the same ideas I do, I realize that, but this is definitely a good idea.
Imagine, if the population continues to increase as it has in the next 50 years, there won't be any natural lands left. They will all be overrun by people and towns. At least now we have a definite way of protecting something. A piece of this land will remain. I believe that by preserving this land, we are preserving a piece of life as we know it.

5th Boom and Bust Journal

Assignment #6:
We read a Newsweek article that talked about government involvement and tried to focus on answering the question of what is a good size for government? This article was really interesting. We discussed how our current government is getting very involved in our everyday lives. I don't really know how I feel about this.
On the one side, I can see the benefit of the government stepping in in this time of need. On the other hand, if our government just continuously played a moderate role in our lives, we might not have this problem.
In class, Ms. Schmidt mentioned how the wall that was set up by the government between Wall Street and bankers had been broken down in the early 1990's, and has been receding ever since. The barrier was set up around the time of the Great Depression. If we wouldn't have lessened the standards in the 90's, would we be facing the economic crisis we are facing today?
This is just one small reason for the problems we are facing today. We certainly can't blame all of our problems on the government. Our spending habits, and our idea that it's cool to live outside of our means, has really led to this recession. We need to take responsibility for our actions, and not leave it up to the government.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

4th Boom and Bust Journal

Assignment #3:
Naivety is a particularly annoying habit of mine. Without prior knowledge of strikes and labor unions, I would placidly agree to this speech given by the owner. Now, however, it would make me furious.
I don't particularly like people having more power than me. I don't like feeling used and vulnerable. If I were in this situation, I would feel vulnerable and very used. These people are only telling me this so that I won't fight for better working conditions. If they keep on telling me things like this I will get really infuriated.
I think that working together with your coworkers to make a better work environment, is a good thing. You have to work for some things in life. If you want to spend 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, without getting payed well, then don't fight. Listen to your boss, or listen to yourself.