Tuesday, March 31, 2009

2nd Boom and Bust Journal

Assignment #1: The assembly line.
Before Ford revolutionized industries across America, people could not make things cheaply. The goods were normally made piece by piece, by workers who had to work on every piece of one job. I think that the assembly line really changed things. It helped factories to mass-produce everyday things, and make them much more cheaply.
The benefits of the assembly line can still be seen today. Without the assembly line, the cost of almost everything you buy would greatly increase. The assembly line helps to regulate cost and produce lots of the same thing. I would have to pay a lot more for everyday items without the assembly line.
It has also opened up jobs, and that is important in today's economy. Assembly lines help people to specialize in one particular area. All of these are reasons as to why the assembly line was important, and how it has affected my life.

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