Tuesday, March 31, 2009

3rd Boom and Bust Journal

Assignment #2:
A typical day as a Mexican working in a sweatshop would be awful. I would wake up early, and eat a very small breakfast, that probably wouldn't even satisfy me. I would then walk to the sweatshop, which is potentially miles away from my home, in the scorching sun, and start my day.
I imagine it would be in a large, industrial like building with very few windows and poor ventilation. The air would be stuffy and very warm because of the machinery. Due to the walk and the now warm air, my forehead would be slightly perspiring.
I would take my place at a station and start my day. The hours would be arduous and dull. My back would ache from the hard concrete floor and my head would hurt from the heat and the heat from the strain of the machinery. I would be exhausted by lunchtime.
A short reprieve would be offered around noon, and eventually a short siesta. These two things would help to break up the day and make things go more quickly. The siesta would seem far too short.
At the end of a long, exhausting day, I would trek home. I would have earned a dollar or two, and could probably not even feel the weight of it in my pocket. I imagine going home and having to look into the eyes of your family and tell them that you worked hard all day, and still could not afford to feed them.
It would be a really depressing life. The difficulties that these workers are facing everyday is very disheartening. We talked about in class how this is necessary for a country to grow, but there has to be another way to handle it than this.

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