Thursday, March 19, 2009

8th Equality Journal

I have always had qualms about the death penalty being used in the United States. I am a Christian, and I read the Bible and believe in what it says. One of the things that the Bible says is that every sin is the same. This is such a hard concept for me to grasp, and I've always struggling with understanding it. In my eyes, a child molester and a pickpocket aren't exactly comparable. But I do think about this idea when I'm looking at crimes that go on around me everyday.
The problem with the death penalty is it's one man deciding another man's fate. They're pretty much saying that the person convicted isn't fit, or equal to live. I can't believe that in our society we allow this type of judgement! Who is the government to tell someone that what they did was so awful that they're taking their life away. I think its a really tough issue facing present America.
We are all equal in the eyes of the government and I really don't think that one person's life is less valuable just because they did some atrocious act once in their life. I do believe that people can change. No matter their past holds.

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